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The Real Cause of Taos Hum and the Other Hum around the World

So what is the real cause of Taos Hum? After nearly 40 years of research, something is finally on the horizon. The gener ..

31-05-2021 04:59 صباحا
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تاريخ الإنضمام : 31-05-2021
رقم العضوية : 7
المشاركات : 9754
الجنس : أنثى
قوة السمعة : 40

The ، Real ، Cause ، Taos ، Hum ، and ، the ، Other ، Hum ، around ، the ، World ،


So what is the real cause of Taos Hum? After nearly 40 years of research, something is finally on the horizon. The generally accepted answer is that Taos Hum ranges from very low frequency (VLF, 3 KHZ to 30 KHZ, wavelength 10-100 km) to extremely low frequency (ELF, 3 HZ -30 HZ,

wavelength 10,000 to 100,000 km) radio waves. Both electromagnetic waves are harmful to the human body, and extremely low frequencies are often the potential cancer risk from cell phones. Studies conducted by the world health organization and the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers have shown that ELF’s external magnetic field can generate an electric current in the body, stimulating nerves and muscles to change nerve cells in the central nervous system. VLF has also been proved to have adverse effects on human physiological functions.


There are examples of this idea. Last year, a government-sponsored study led by Colin Novak, a professor of mechanical engineering at the university of Windsor, found a low-frequency noise in a heavily industrial area near Zug Island on the Detroit river in Michigan. The researchers used specialized equipment to pick up clues to mysterious sounds. Not only does this noise prove to be real, but it may well have come from the American steel mill on Zug Island. It produces a lot of VLF every time it runs inside the plant.” It sounded like a truck or train parked outside the house, buzzing as if it were shaking the Windows. “Taos Hum victim Novak said. I feel terrible. ”


The Taos Hum researchers found that the cause varies from place to place, and it does not seem to be a fixed one. What about Oakland and Taos? Why do they all seem to appear and disappear at the same time?

Some researchers suspect there must be a global common source. Deming’s research links this to the 1960s nuclear war, when America’s “TACAMO” (airborne, persistent VLF launch system) included missile submarines, land-b*ased intercontinental missiles and long-range bombers.

There are other ideas, including Moir, who agrees with MacPherson that the annoying phenomenon appears to occur under the influence of very low-frequency sounds. He attributed the Hum phenomenon in Auckland to acoustics rather than electromagnetic waves. Part of the reason he thinks so is that his team has captured the sounds of Hum when this phenomenon is happening. The sound track is roughly as follows :

“This is a low-frequency sound, about 50-56hz,” Moir said. “To stop such infrasound from interfering is basically impossible because it has a wavelength of 10 meters, and it would take a wall 2.5 meters thick of ordinary building materials to block it. It’s easy to get through the log cabin and into people’s ears. Because the frequency of its sound is so low that when it goes through your ear and into your brain you can’t even tell which ear it’s coming from.”

But that doesn’t mean the electromagnetic explanation isn’t possible: it’s possible that electromagnetic and low-frequency sounds work together. The real challenge is to test them separately. “No test has yet proposed putting people in a silencer room,” Moir says. “no one can say for sure which of them is responsible for designing a room that completely absorbs sound or waves, so that the two factors don’t interfere with each other.”


This is a pressing public problem, not just a matter of casual annoyance and difficulty. The resulting sound coverage can lead to a variety of illnesses associated with stress amplitude and bass noise, including depression, mood swings, insomnia and other stress responses. National and local governments will eventually take note. The federal government has paid survey Windsor Hum, set up the team (including Connecticut leading experts to do rigorous test) to give victims like MacPherson, Moir, Novak glimmers of hope, through the government power and data analysis in affected areas should be able to get the actual survey plan, rather than conspiracy theory of various kinds of comes. MacPherson hopes the data he has collected will help professional, independent researchers develop and carry out experiments to identify Hum sources in various l*ocations.

But until there is a rigorous experimentation and testing of the affected area, Moir says, Hum will still be blamed on modern technology, from mobile phones to digital radio waves used in towers. The presence of pseudoscience in affected areas will challenge the work of researchers.

When all the mysteries of this mysterious sound are revealed, Hum turns from a mysterious enigma into an unfortunate by-product of modern life, intermingled with aspects of human geography, such as light pollution. By this time, many people no longer care if they can solve the source, just want to find the source psychologically to test their inner guess.

“There are a lot of serious researchers who do this research and don’t want to show off, but I’m not a formal academic researcher. If it does come out and these ideas are right then I’m happy to be part of it.” MacPherson said. “It seems to be real. A lot of people are suffering from it. I just want to help them.”

الكلمات الدلالية
The ، Real ، Cause ، Taos ، Hum ، and ، the ، Other ، Hum ، around ، the ، World ،


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