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The Mysterious Taos Hum Confusing the Whole World

Some residents and visitors in the small town of Taos, new Mexico, have been plagued for years by a mysterious, faint lo ..

31-05-2021 04:59 صباحا
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معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 31-05-2021
رقم العضوية : 7
المشاركات : 9754
الجنس : أنثى
قوة السمعة : 40

The ، Mysterious ، Taos ، Hum ، Confusing ، the ، Whole ، World ،


Some residents and visitors in the small town of Taos, new Mexico, have been plagued for years by a mysterious, faint low-frequency hum in the desert. But not everyone can hear it. Only 2 percent of Taos residents have heard it. Others, who could not hear it, wondered whether it really existed

The strange sound, which has been reported by many media around the world, is described by most people as similar to the sound made by a distant diesel engine. It usually occurs in quiet environments and is stronger in low-pressure environments. The noise is known as “Taos Hum” and similar noises have emerged in several parts of the world, including the US, UK and northern Europe. It was first reported in Auckland, New Zealand, in 1997.
Dr Tom Moir, of Massey University in New Zealand, set out to study the noise. He believes that the noise in Auckland is around 56 Hz, while the Taos Hum is between 32 and 80 Hz. The survey also found that women were more likely to hear it than men, and middle-aged people were more likely to hear it than other age groups.
The Taos Hum drives people crazy

The Huffington Post reported that a 2003 study by Geoff Leventhall, an acoustics consultant at The University of Surrey, found that people affected by Taos Hum had some common characteristics. They heard The Hum only indoors, but it was deep and louder at night, especially in rural areas.

The BBC has also reported that people who hear Taos Hum experience symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, nosebleeds and insomnia. At least one person reportedly killed himself because he couldn’t stand the Taos Hum.


Even more confusingly, those who could hear Taos Hum had normal hearing and did not hear the Hum once they had left the area.

As reported by The Daily Telegraph, the sound can drive people crazy. Many people play music to cover the sound, while others use fans.

Suspected sources of sound: diesel engines, appliances, transportation, etc., were eventually ruled out. What makes that noise? Some suspect collective hallucinations, or tinnitus; Some people think it’s a Toadfish in the sea; Others believe that the phenomenon is beyond the scope of existing science, or even the sound of the expansion of the universe. Others suspect unknown factors. No matter what kind of sound it is, whether from psychological, natural or supernatural perspectives, no one has yet been able to determine the source of the sound.

Scientists have discovered that for the past half century, the earth has been emitting a mysterious faint low-frequency hum that has been detected all over the world, but its cause has remained a mystery. Now, scientists have recorded the sound in the ocean for th it came frome first time, but they still don’t know where it came from.


Scientists tried to detect the hum as early as 1959, but it wasn’t until 1998 that Japanese scientists detected it on land and successfully proved its existence, the Daily Mail reported. Although scientists say the hum is inaudible to the human ear, thousands of people around the world claim to have heard it or even suffered from it. The cause of this sound is still unclear, but scientists believe that it may be caused by the weak vibration of the Earth called free oscillations, which can only be measured by sensitive instruments. Such tremors are caused by small, frequent expansions and contra*ctions of the earth, but scientists do not know why they occur.

The team at the Paris Institute of Earth Physics in France recently detected the buzz for the first time at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. After cross-matching and analyzing 11 months of data from 57 seismometers in the sea east of Madagascar, the team found that the hum had frequencies between 2.9 and 4.5 millihertz, about 10, 000 times lower than the human-audible frequency of 20 Hertz. The researchers say studying the buzz through seismometers on the ocean floor could help them find its source and study the earth’s interior. Scientists have previously used data from occasional earthquakes to study the earth’s interior. While scientists still don’t know exactly what causes the earth’s buzz, the study suggests turbulence in the air may be only part of the story.

المواضيع المتشابهه
عنوان الموضوع الكاتب الردود الزوار آخر رد
Mysterious Hum in the Brain – Taos Hum, Windsor Hum, Auckland Hum Moha
0 640 Moha

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The ، Mysterious ، Taos ، Hum ، Confusing ، the ، Whole ، World ،


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