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Today in history, November 8: Claudio Bravo Camus’ 83rd birthday

On this day in 1936, Chilean artist Claudio Bravo Camus’ was born.AAPClaudio Bravo Camus was known for his hyperrealist ..

31-05-2021 04:59 صباحا
عضو ذهبي
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 31-05-2021
رقم العضوية : 7
المشاركات : 9754
الجنس : أنثى
قوة السمعة : 40

On this day in 1936, Chilean artist Claudio Bravo Camus’ was born.

Claudio Bravo Camus was known for his hyperrealist art; today, Google celebrates his birthday with a Google Doodle.Source:Supplied

Highlights in history on this date:

1793: Louvre Museum in Paris opens to public.

1895: Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, German physicist, discovers X-rays.

1907: Australian Arbitration Court Justice Higgins sets minimum wage: two guineas for a six-day week.

1923: Adolf Hitler stages unsuccessful coup in Munich that comes to be known as the Beer-Hall Putsch.

1933: Nadir Shah, ruler of Afghanistan, is assassinated and succeeded by his son, Mohammed Zahir Shah.

1939: Seven people are killed when bomb explodes at Buergerbraukeller in Munich just after Hitler delivers speech on the anniversary of the abortive 1923 putsch.

1942: Allied forces begin landings in North Africa, beginning the Algeria-Morocco campaign of World War II.

1944: The Tasmanian Australian National Football League is instituted.

1960: John F. Kennedy elected US president.

John F. Kennedy, with his wife Jacqueline, campaigning in New York. He was elected US president on this day in 1960. Picture: AP PhotoSource:AP

1972: West and East Germany end 23 years of Cold War antagonism by signing a good-neighbour treaty pledging mutual respect for each other.

1978: Pope John Paul II calls human rights “the great effort of our time”.

1988: Nearly 9000 foreign tourists are evacuated from Sri Lankan beach resorts after Sinhalese extremists threaten to attack South Coast hotels.

1989: Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega offers to end arms imports to his country in exchange for demobilisation of Contra rebels.

1990: US President George Bush orders 200,000 more US troops to the Persian Gulf in preparation for an attack on Iraq.

1992: Japanese escort ship collides with a Greenpeace boat tracking a freighter loaded with plutonium.

1994: France arrests 95 people in its biggest sweep against Islamic militants.

1996: Australia bars Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams from entering the country because of his “intimate association” with the Irish Republican Army (IRA).

1998: In Bangladesh, 15 former military commanders are sentenced to death for the 1975 assassination of the country’s first prime minister.

2000: Canadian writer Margaret Atwood wins Britain’s coveted Booker Prize for her novel The Blind Assassin.

Margaret Atwood with her Booker Prize-winning novel ‘The Blind Assassin’. Picture: AP/Alastair GrantSource:AP

2 001: The discovery of eight remains — five skeletons and the partially clad bodies of three young women — in Mexico ignites fear that a series of 57 rape-murders did not end in the 1990s.

2003: A car bomb detonates in a residential compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, killing at least 17 people and wounding more than 120 others. Most of the victims are believed to be Arab Muslims.

2004: Muslim groups ask the Dutch government to protect Islamic sites after an elementary school is bombed — the latest in escalating tensions following the killing of a filmmaker, allegedly by an Islamic radical.

2005: France declares a state of emergency after nearly two weeks of rioting in heavily immigrant suburbs of Paris and other cities.

2008: New Zealand goes to the polls and elects a National Party government led by John Key, ending nine years of Labour rule under Helen Clark.

New Zealand’s Helen Clark and John Key, who beat Ms Clark to become prime minister on this day in 2008. Picture: AFP Photo/William WestSource:Supplied

2009: Iraq’s parliament ends weeks of debate and passes a long-delayed law paving the way for the planned January election to go forward, sidestepping a crisis that could have delayed the US troop withdrawal.

2 010: Scientists at the world’s largest atom smasher in Geneva say they have succeeded in recreating conditions shortly after the Big Bang.

2011: The Gillard Government’s controversial carbon tax passes Federal Parliament.

2012: Iran bans the import of 75 luxury products as Western economic sanctions increasingly choke off its commerce and critical oil revenue.

2013: The Qantas heavy maintenance b*ase at Avalon closes with the loss of 300 jobs.

2014: Australian grandmother Toni Anne Ludgate is found dead in India after a two-month search, with three men facing murder charges.

2015: Detainees riot at Christmas Island following the death of asylum seeker Fazel Chegeni after he escaped from a detention centre.

2016: US Republican Donald Trump is elected the nation’s 45th president after a close and often highly animated contest with his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

2017: The Cowboys co-captain and indigenous mentor Johnathan Thurston is named Queensland’s Australian of the Year for 2018.

2018: Tesla announces Australian Robyn Denholm, the chief financial officer at Telstra, will replace Elon Musk as the company’s chair.

Happy birthday Claudio Bravo Camus!Source:Supplied


Bram Stoker, British author (1847-1912); Margaret Mitchell, US author of Gone With The Wind (1900-1949); Claudio Bravo Camus, Chilean hyperrealist artist (1936-2011); Rickie Lee Jones, US singer-songwriter (1954); Gordon Ramsay, British chef and TV personality (1966); Chris Fydler, Australian swimmer and Olympic official (1972); Tara Reid, US actor (1975); Sam Sparro, Australian producer, songwriter, performer (1982).


“Man is born to live, not to prepare for life.” — Boris Pasternak, Russian author (1890-1960).

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Today ، history ، November ، Claudio ، Bravo ، Camus’ ، 83rd ، birthday ،


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الساعة الآن 09:52 صباحا