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Top 6 Hypotheses of the Tunguska Explosion

In the first dozen years of the Tunguska explosion, the cause of the explosion seemed to remain unknown because of the i ..

31-05-2021 04:59 صباحا
عضو ذهبي
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 31-05-2021
رقم العضوية : 7
المشاركات : 9754
الجنس : أنثى
قوة السمعة : 40


In the first dozen years of the Tunguska explosion, the cause of the explosion seemed to remain unknown because of the isolation of the region under imperial Russian rule and the remote l*ocation of the Tunguska region itself. But what could have caused such a huge explosion? The problem has attracted scientists from all over the world in the fields of astronomy, earth science, meteorology, seismology and chemistry. In 1927, Soviet geologist Kulik led his expedition to the site for the first time. Then, with the collapse of the Soviet union and the end of the cold war, western scientists flocked to Tunguska. Their interest in Tunguska was obvious because they knew that understanding the true cause of the big bang was vital to humanity itself. Thus, in nearly a century, the “Tunguska explosion” has been caused by antimatter, flying saucers, aliens and more than 100 hypothesis, but each hypothesis can not give a precise explanation. Here are the 6 most likely hypotheses for the Tunguska explosion:


(1) Meteorite impact hypothesis :

As early as after the socialist revolution in October, Leonid Kulik, a former Soviet scientist who was the first to visit Tunguska, suggested that the 1908 Siberian explosion was caused by a falling star. Later, American scientists used a computer to simulate the vacuum effect of the big bang in their lab: When a meteorite about 200 feet in diameter exploded at an altitude of 5,000 to 10,000 meters at a speed of 40,000 kilometers per hour, the shockwave kicked dust up into the outer atmosphere, and the sunlight reflected back explains the day-like night around Tunguska after explosion. But to their regret, all the field trips so far have not found any meteorite debris.


(2) Nuclear explosion hypothesis :

In August 1945, at the end of world war ii, the United States dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The atomic bomb exploded 1800 feet above the ground, bringing great disaster to the people of Hiroshima. The destruction of Hiroshima, however, was an unexpected revelation for scientists studying the Tunguska explosion. The thunderous explosions, the towering columns of fire, the mushroom-like clouds of smoke, the violent earthquakes, the powerful shockwaves, and the radiation of light all bear a striking resemblance to the Tunguska explosion. Thus, Soviet military engineer Alexander Kazantsev boldly proposed for the first time that the 1908 Tunguska explosion was a thermonuclear explosion.


(3) UFOs and aliens :

In 1946, Alexander Kazantsev, the man who came up with the thermonuclear explosion theory, not only confirmed that the Tunguska explosion was a nuclear explosion, but, amazingly, not long after, he made the first bold assumption that the mysterious monster of the Tunguska explosion was the first spacecraft to visit our planet.


(4) Antimatter impact hypothesis :

In 1965, three American scientists suggested that the Tunguska explosion might have been caused by an antimatter (an anti-meteorite) that had fallen to earth from space. On that day, a meteorite made of antimatter accidentally crashed into earth and caused the disaster, they said in their report. They believe that a collision of half a gram of anti-iron with half a gram of iron would be enough to produce the destruction of the atomic bomb that exploded on Hiroshima.


(5) Black hole impact hypothesis :

In 1973, two scientists at the university of Texas, Jackson and Ryan, theorized that the Tungusky explosion was caused by the gravitational pull of tiny black holes. “The small black hole passed through the earth somewhere in the Atlantic between Iceland and Newfoundland,” they concluded.


(6) Comet impact hypothesis

Petrov, a former member of the Soviet academy of sciences, was the first to propose the comet impact hypothesis. What caused the Tunguska explosion, he believes, was a comet made of loose snow from a distant part of the solar system. As it broke through the earth’s atmosphere at the speed about 40, 000 kilometers an hour, friction produced superheated gases. As soon as the gas touched the ground, it sent a shockwave e*quivalent to the destruction of several atomic bombs. In the end, since the comet evaporated so quickly, there was no physical evidence left.

Although the true cause of the Tunguska explosion is still under investigation, most scientists have pinpointed a special substance with strong dynamics, low density, high volatility and low intensity. These properties allow for rapid destruction and rapid evaporation after an explosion. From the scene, this particular substance is most likely a snowy gas, which has been mixed with high-melting particles; Or comets, whose bodies are made of gas and ice.

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Top ، Hypotheses ، the ، Tunguska ، Explosion ،


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