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9 of the Best Remote Work Job Sites in Europe

Remote work is taking the world by storm. It’s easy to take a look at the laptop lifestyle many remote employees have a ..

31-05-2021 04:14 صباحا
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معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 31-05-2021
رقم العضوية : 3
المشاركات : 258
الجنس : أنثى
قوة السمعة : 10

the ، Best ، Remote ، Work ، Job ، Sites ، Europe ،



Remote work is taking the world by storm. It’s easy to take a look at the laptop lifestyle many remote employees have and to wish for that reality. In addition, many of us have already been working from home during lockdown, and we’ve gotten accustomed to living like this

But it’s hard to find remote jobs… especially when it comes down to finding work in a time zone that works with your schedule. It’s no fun having a remote job if you have to work at midnight. And let’s face it, searching “best remote work job sites Europe” can be overwhelming. 

That’s why we’ve focused on narrowing down a list of the sites with the best remote job opportunities in European time zones. These sites are on our list because they either have a wide selection of remote job options in Europe, or they’re built specifically for remote Europe opportunities. 

9 Best Remote Work Job Sites (Europe) 

Remote Europe

Price: Free

Pros: This site includes exactly what it says: only jobs that are online, work-from-home, and in Europe. Using a site like Remote Europe means that you won’t have to dig through hundreds of on-site job opportunities you already know you don’t want.

Cons: The flip side to being a small, targeted site is that the selection of job opportunities is smaller. (Keep in mind that in today’s world, many times employers are willing to negotiate on whether a job is on-site or remote if you’re the right candidate for the job.)

EU Remote Jobs

Price: Free 

Pros: On top of being focused only on remote opportunities within European time zones, the team at EU Remote Jobsmanually selects every job opportunity on the board. This means there’s less chance of you running into a sketchy job opportunity. 

Cons: Similar to other smaller job boards, the selection of jobs on the board is small with only several dozen new jobs are added per week. 


Price: Free

Pros: Created by a software developer, this site focuses on narrowing down opportunities by phrases like “team is entirely remote” or “work from wherever you want.” This differentiates it from other “remote” sites, where it’s easy to find opportunities that only allow you to work remotely occasionally.

Cons: This site only collects job listings from other boards. They’re not manually picked like on some other sites featured in this list. 

Dynamite Jobs

Price: Free to apply to jobs (with some features unavailable until you buy a membership)

Pros: Dynamite Jobs features remote opportunities from hundreds of other job boards, so you don’t have to manually search everywhere on the internet just to narrow down your search to the jobs you want.  

Cons: The selection of jobs in European time zones is small, even though the quality of each job opportunity is high. 


Price: Free

Pros: This is the perfect site for anyone who’s looking to get away from the typical corporate job and into the startup world. 

Cons: You’re required to sign up for an account before you can even access the jobs on AngelList. Not every opportunity is remote, but keep in mind that many startups are far more open to the idea of hiring a remote employee than more traditional companies. 


Price: Free

Pros: Ziprecruiter is one of the biggest, most thriving job sites in the world. In addition to a job board, Ziprecruiter has hundreds of resources to help both job applicants and their potential employers. 

Cons: You’ll need to search specifically for remote opportunities on this site. Make sure you double check that the “remote” opportunities are fully remote, not temporarily remote due the pandemic. 

Remote Working Expat

Price: Free

Pros: This site is set up specifically for digital nomads, which means the remote opportunities featured here tend to have more flexible schedules and allow for travel. 

Cons: Since the site is so small, it won’t be the easy-to-navigate option most traditional job sites are. 


Price: Pay a small transa*ction fee for every proposal you send

Pros: Upwork is the ultimate site for people looking for gigs and freelance work, as opposed to a traditional full-time job. If your idea of a great career is working with multiple clients and running your own business, then Upwork will be just the site you need. 

Cons: To land gigs on Upwork, you’ll have to compete with thousands of other freelancers on the site. This doesn’t have to keep you from using the site. Just be aware that you’ll have to work hard to set yourself apart from everyone else. 


Price: Free

Pros: JustRemote focuses on “hidden jobs” —the ones you won’t find posted on every other job site. This gives you a huge advantage when you’re applying to a job. You won’t be competing with hundreds of other people coming from who knows which job site. 

Cons: Unlike bigger sites like Glassdoor and Ziprecruiter, JustRemote doesn’t save your information to the site. It just links you to wherever the job opportunity is located. So you apply on the job application website, not on JustRemote. 

Bonus: Facebook Groups for Remote Jobs in Europe

In addition to these job sites, don’t forget the power of joining Facebook groups with likeminded people. It could end up being the best remote work job site you find in Europe. Sometimes the best way to find a great opportunity is to get back down to the basics: networking and making great connections with people who can help you find your dream job opportunity. 

  1. Digital nomads, remote workers & freelancers Booster in Europe (3K members)
  2. Remote jobs: Work remotely – Europe (10.4Kmembers)
  3. Remote Jobs Europe (11K members)
  4. Digital Nomads around Europe (6.5K members)
  5. EU Remote Jobs group (14K members)

Tips for Landing Your Remote Job Opportunity

Most of the time, you’ll be competing with dozens (or even hundreds) of other candidates for any given role. It’s always important to come to your work-from-home job armed with the tips you need to succeed. Here are a few ways to stay on your game as you work to land the job of your dreams: 

  1. Build a high-income skill even while on the job hunt. Skills like sales and copywriting never go out of style, and it will only help your job search if future employers know you are focused on constant growth.
  2. Find a way to set yourself apart from other candidates. Take time to research each job opportunity you apply to individually. Find a way to reach out to the hiring managers directly, and send them a video or an email explaining why you’re excited to interview with their company. Even a simple move like this can be a great way to set yourself apart from the hundreds of other candidates. 
  3. Take the time to craft a good resume. There’s a good chance that most jobs you apply to will require a resume of some kind. Putting thought into what you create will make your job hunt process much easier, especially if you apply to multiple roles. 
  4. Make sure your social media presence is strong. Many hiring managers will check to see if your social media gives anything away about you. A social media presence that shows you are professional and motivated can help you secure the job you want. On the flip side, if you are unprofessional online, it’s easy to make a recruiter think twice about hiring you. 

With this list of job boards and these tips, you should be well on your way to finding the remote job opportunity of your dreams.

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the ، Best ، Remote ، Work ، Job ، Sites ، Europe ،


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