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? what do you know about hellbenders

- Hellbenders are big , aquatic ,oceanic lizards found on the east shore of the United States from southern New York to ..

31-05-2021 04:59 صباحا
عضو ذهبي
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 31-05-2021
رقم العضوية : 7
المشاركات : 9754
الجنس : أنثى
قوة السمعة : 40

what ، you ، know ، about ، hellbenders ،


- Hellbenders are big , aquatic ,oceanic lizards found on the east shore of the United States from southern New York to northern Alabama. There are two subspecies, the Eastern hellbender.

read some facts about hellbenders...

1- They're North America's biggest salamander. Hellbenders can develop to more than two feet long and weigh more than four pounds ,They're the third biggest lizard on the planet after the Chinese and Japanese monster salamanders..

2- They grows slowly and Takes a long time to reach the age of**ual maturity
. It takes five to eight years for a hellbender to reach **ual development, and they may live 25 to 30 years in The natural environment .


3- Hellbenders can see with their entire bodies. Hellbenders have very small eyes placed on the highest points of their heads that can catch light yet are bad at forming pictures. They additionally have light-delicate cells spotted everywhere on their bodies, particularly on their tails. This may help them keep their entire bodies covered up under rocks and logs. At the point when chasing, they likely utilize their sharp feeling of smell and their horizontal line, which recognizes vibrations in the water.

4-their favorite food is crayfish ,very nearly 90 percent of the hellbender's eating crayfish ,but they also eat small fish, insects, worms, and even other, smaller hellbenders.

5- The name 'hellbender' probably comes from the animal's odd look. Perhaps it was named by settlers who thought "it was a creature from hell where it's bent on returning." Another rendition says the undulating skin of a hellbender reminded observers of "horrible tortures of the infernal regions." In reality, it's a harmless aquatic salamander


6- Hellbenders walk underwater. they can swim, however typically stroll along the stream b*ase utilizing their strong appendages. Their toes have unpleasant cushions that provide for them additional footing on the tricky submerged surface.

7- They invest the vast majority of their time under rocks. Hellbenders basically chase around evening time, and spend their days covering up under level shakes in quick moving streams. Their leveled bodies help them slide into their concealing places and move about in quick streaming waters.


8- Hellbenders have an irregular mating framework. Dissimilar to most lizards, hellbenders mate by outer preparation. Toward the start of the reproducing season, the male unearths a home site that he will protect from  other males. At the point when a female approaches, he manages her into his tunnel. As she lays her eggs, the male positions himself close by or marginally over the eggs and scatters his sperm over them. At that point he drives the female out of his home, where he stays to protect the creating eggs.


9- hellbenders average up to 60 cm or about 2 ft in length; the only species requiring further distinction (due to an overlap in distribution and size range) is the common mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus).

10- They have a lot of weird aliases. Vernacular names for hellbenders include snot otter, devil dog, mud-devil, mud dog, grampus, and Allegheny alligator.


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what ، you ، know ، about ، hellbenders ،


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الساعة الآن 06:39 صباحا