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موضوع بعنوان :List of Cryptids
الكاتب :Moha

 Comments (11) Although Cryptozoology is not considered a real science, it is b*ased on the sciences of Zoology and Paleontology. Many Cryptids probably don't exist, but there is a high possibility that
others do. In fact, National Geographic proved that Hogzilla and the Congo Elephants, two Cryptids thought to be hoaxes or not real, did exist. If more Cryptids do exist, there are scientific evolutionary roots on to how these creatures possibly evolved.

Every animal or plant on this page is marked as one of the following:

Unconfirmed - cryptids whose existence is alleged but not demonstrated.

Discredited; (explanation) - cryptids that have a body of evidence against their existence.

Proposed; (animal name) - cryptids with an alternative explanation accepted by the general scientific community.

Extinct - animals that are generally believed to be extinct, but which cryptozoologists believe may have an extant relict population.

Animals no longer considered as cryptids are marked:

Confirmed (animal name or cause) - animals once classified as cryptids but whose existence has now been confirmed.

Hoax - cryptids once thought to be real but later conclusively proven to be hoaxes.

Former - Cryptids that with findings, have been proved to be living and real, and known as animals or plants (etc.)