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موضوع بعنوان :Vegan Spaghetti Bolognese
الكاتب :Moha



300g block of very firm tofu

2 medium carrot

200g mushroom

3 cloves of garlic

2tbs olive oil

2 cans of chopped tomatoes (or 5, 6 medium fresh tomatoes)

1tbs tomato paste

1tbs molasses

1tbsp soy sauce

1tsp cinnamon

1/2tsp nutmeg

1tsp oregano

salt, pepper to taste

handfull of basil leaves

1tbs nutritional yeast (optional)

half the pack of whole-wheat spaghetti 250g


Mash the tofu with potato masher, set aside.

In a food processor pulse the carrot chunks into a grainy consistency, the pieces should be the size of rice grains


Set that aside and do the same with mushrooms, careful not to over process it into a mash.

Chop up or grate garlic on microplane.

Heat up olive oil in a saucepan, throw in the mushrooms and carrots.

Sauté it for a couple of minutes then add garlic, spices, salt and pepper.

Sauté until fragrant then add tofu.

Now add soy sauce, tomato paste and molasses, mix well and sauté for few more minutes.

Add canned or fresh chopped tomatoes, season it with salt and pepper and let it cook for 10, 15 minutes adjusting the consistency.

Add a little water if it’s too thick or let it reduce down if it’s too watery.

In the meantime cook spaghetti according to the instructions on the package. I love all my pasta aldente.

Once the sauce is done add nutritional yeast (optional) and chopped basil leaves, turn off the stove.

Drain cooked spaghetti, add half the sauce, mix well, serve and let the family dig in immediately.

Let the rest of the sauce cool down to room temperature, store it in an airtight container and freeze it up to 3 months