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موضوع بعنوان : Use Punctuation correctly - IELTS writing
الكاتب :Moha


Punctuation in English is a very important element while writing English sentences.
In the following video, you will know how to use accurate and effective punctuation.
But let me tell you why punctuation is important.

- Punctuation can help the reader to understand how a particular sentence should be read. It also helps to clarify the meaning.
- With incorrect or missing punctuation, problems may arise...

* Let's eat grandma.
Let's eat, grandma.
Hope that you notice the difference.

see also Learn English through books

In this video, you will know how to use: 
1- comma 
2- apostrophe  
3-capital letters.
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See also: Test your English level
See also: Most useful youtube channels to learn English   