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IELTS Writing Task II Essay sample with answer- CRIME

Each year, The crime rates increase what are the causes of crime and what could be done to prevent this rise in criminal activity?

 Model Essay:

 Law and order are the essentials to be maintained in every country. There is a continuous growth recorded in crime rates which are caused by many factors. This essay will discuss some of the factors resulting the growth of crimes and possible solutions to alleviate them.

Firstly, the factors which are resulting the constant increase in the crime rate are not fixed, But we can broadly categorize them into in two parts, which are Judicial failures and Social backwardness. Judicial system plays an important aspect in maintaining Law and order in our society, with increase in corruption in this sector, the crime rate also increases. In many recent surveys of criminal reports it is established that crime rate increases in a society where the people has lost trust and confidence over their Judiciary system. Another important cause is Social backwardness. Although our world is developing in all sectors but still many common peoples are still subjected to lack of work and education, due to which many of our youth finally opt for criminal activities.

Although criminal activities have reached to an unbearable situation, we still have many opportunities and available measures through which we can curb it. Among many of them could be strict law and order and implementation of education system with moral and personal development. More strict laws will inculcate fear among the culprits and criminal minded people, and will also help in providing Justice and protection to society. Whereas, better education system will help our youth in understanding the importance of there life and life of others.

 Conclusively, we can say that criminal activities are grave problem to our society and should be dealt more strictly and firmly as soon as possible.
