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موضوع بعنوان : Arabic couscous white
الكاتب :Moha

We offer you today the m*ethod of preparing the original white couscous white health and wellness Do not forget to leave your opinion in the recipe below the article with greetings Arab cooking site
Arabic couscous white

 :Ingredients Arabic couscous White

Chicken pieces
1 Bulb onion
Cut one onion
They painted
Salt and spices
Arabic couscous white

:m*ethod of preparation Arabic couscous White

Pour the chicken pieces with the chopped onions and grated in a small amount of oil
Add the vegetables cut longitudinally, the carafe, black pepper, cinnamon and salt and leave them in the pan
Add water and chickpeas, cover the pot and leave until all vegetables and chicken are cooked
To prepare the couscous we put a bit of water over the boiling fire
Fill a cup of couscous and drip with water, then drain it into the couscous and let it soak for10 minutes
Arabic couscous white

We unload the couscous and cut it and open it with a small amount of oil and then put it Falcas and disobeyed the first time
Place the couscous and put the amount of salt over the couscous and prepare it in a quantity of oil and then unloaded over 1 kg of water
Drain the food in the bowl and mix it with the spoon and cover and leave until the whole water is soaked for 15 to 20 minutes
We open it a little by hand and put it in the couscous for the second time
Drain the couscous in the bowl and add to butter or ghee
Drain the couscous in the serving dish and put the vegetables, chicken and chickpeas on top and add to the eggs
Arabic couscous white