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موضوع بعنوان :Dahab City combines the challenge, adventure, and fun ... deep diving
الكاتب :Moha

If you are planning to spend your summer vacation in the charming city of Dahab, you have chosen the best tourist city you have ever lived in. You will never forget the beauty of its beauty, its soft golden sands make it the ideal city for anyone who dreams of tranquility and recreation on the beach. The city of golden sand glitter, which will not be seen in any other tourist resort
Accommodation in Dahab:
Accommodation and prices are suitable for all categories of the community, whether the hotels ranging from 4 to 2 stars, and the city has several tourist villages of varying levels, and many camps to be the preferred residence for young people when they visit the city.
Located in the Arab Republic of Egypt "in the Asian part" in the province of South Sinai, located on the Gulf of Aqaba, 100 km away from the magnificent city of Sharm El Sheikh and 87 km from the Egyptian city of Nuweiba.
It is divided into two villages in the north of the city, which is the spirit and pulse of the city. It includes commercial markets, bazaars, and shopping areas, and the southern part of the city, called Al-Asala, is characterized by simple Bedouin life.
How do you travel to gold?
By plane "Cairo / Sharm El Sheikh" and the independence of the car is 100 kilometers to gold, which will take about an hour and a quarter of an hour.
If you want to travel to the land of gold, the road will be Cairo / Suez / Ras Sidr / Tur / Sharm el-Sheikh / Dahab, passing through Ahmed Hamdy tunnel under Suez Canal. The distance is estimated at 700 km.
The climate of the city of Dahab
 The city of Dahab is a wonderful winter. It is a pleasant place where the weather is pleasant and the sun is bright. The average sun is about 10 hours a day.
Mobility within the city
Minibus and taxi services are available for transportation within the city of Dahab.
Diving is one of the most important tourist activities in Dahab
Diving is the most important tourist sport and tourist activity in the city of Dahab and contains more than 41 dive centers, 10 centers for marine activities and one sister Safari, and is characterized as the cheapest at the level of Sinai, if you are lovers of diving you will find fun in the city of Dahab may not be found anywhere else.
The various diving centers in Dahab provide distinctive service for the tourist delegations, both from the provision of the latest diving equipment and equipment, as well as the specialists who are taking you on a deep-diving trip.Abu Gallum Reserve
It is also called the "Valley of Rasha" and is also located on the Gulf of Aqaba and has the advantage of the wonderful convergence of mountains with the beach and this makes the scenery stunning, and famous for the existence of a cave system under the water up to 100 meters, but it is unstable. It also has coral reefs, colorful fish, seagrasses, wild birds and plants of 165 species, of which 44 species are found only in that reserve.
Blue Hole "Blue Hole"
The Blue Hole is a deep hole or well in the Red Sea at a depth of 130 meters, with a shallow opening 6 meters wide, known as the "saddle" and a hole out of the hole or the blue well to the open sea called B The "arch" is a 26-meter long tunnel.
"The Valley" The canyon
It is a cave or gap inside the sea, ending at a depth of 52 meters, and the Canadians classified dangerous caves but it is fun to dive, to engage in a journey that combines challenge, adventure and fun at the same time.
Kanyon is one of the favorite places for diving professionals.
The Laguna region
It is the only sandy beach in the city. It is a great attra*ction for divers because of the water in this area.
El Garden area
It is a wonderful and delightful painting of diving lovers, located in the north of Dahab city, and contains endless swarms of colorful fish covering the seabed amidst a mass of magnificent coral reefs.
Dahab, its r*efreshing atmosphere and its yellow sand are ideal for yoga, meditation, and there are classes for yoga in Dahab.
Sports wonderful and beautiful and there are centers of learning to jump parachutes of all kinds.
Surfing Sports
Dahab is the right place to play this fun sport on sailing boards, sailing planes, and there are also boats with ballets, water bikes, and rowing boats.
rock climbing
Dahab is also famous for its sport, where you can go to Wadi Jannay and enjoy the fun rock climbing.
Be adventurous, but this time in the depths of the desert, take a guided safari ride on the off-road, to see magnificent mountainous areas, such as the white forest of Farafra, and the vast dunes.
the shopping
There are many bazaars containing souvenirs, jewelry, silver, and hand-made carpets. One of the most popular is the Ghazala Market, which has everything you need there